
Seven Card Stud Poker: Game Rule

Seven card stud poker rules

Till the time when Texas Hold'em became the most popular version of poker, fans of such entertainment had played seven-stud poker in the United States and some other countries. However, it is still popular and available in all the major poker rooms. It has been considered the most "pure" variation of poker, which has to be mastered by any real player who wants to reach a professional level.

It should also be added that a 7-card stud is an integral part of the game in the common format H.O.R.S.E. ("S" is about it). So this is another reason to study it.

General Description of 7 Card Stud

From two to eight players may play 7-card stud. A standard 52-card deck with no jokers is used in this game.

The aim of the player is to win the pot made of bets of participants. To do this, it is necessary to collect the strongest hand or make your opponents fold.

Antes are obligatory bets, which all users must make. The initial bank is formed of them.

The betting systems may be different. They depend on the format. There are mainly fixed limits and restrictions concerning the number of raises. If you play at home, a simplified version is usually used.

The cards in seven-card stud vary according to the rank, like in most poker games, from a deuce to an ace. The ace can also form a straight: A, 2, 3, 4, 5.

During the gameplay, users receive seven cards (five community and two hole cards) that are used in the formation of 5-card hands. The winner with the strongest hand wins the pot.

If eight players participate in the game, the number of cards in the deck is insufficient. Fifty-six cards will be in their hands, and four cards are burnt between rounds. In such cases, the cards from a discard tray can be used. If their number is insufficient, the dealer puts one community card in the middle of the table, which all participants use to form hands. The discarded cards are not used again.

Seven Card Stud Gameplay

The gameplay begins with the fact that all participants make obligatory bets called antes. Then the croupier deals two pocket cards and one upcard for each of the two opponents.

  • The user with the lowest-ranking card has to place a bring-in. The rules initially predetermine its size. If two players have the same lowest-ranking card, the suit is taken into account (in ascending order: clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades).
  • Then the betting round occurs, which ends when all participants call the maximum bet, which was made by one of the opponents.
  • Then three rounds occur, each of which players receive one card. The betting is performed according to the general rules.
  • When the croupier deals the fifth card, the first bet should be made by the player with the strongest hand.

After the final betting round, all users who didn't fold reveal their hole cards. The strongest five-card combinations are formed of seven cards. Then they are compared to determine the winner.

Variations of 7 Card Stud for Canada

The most popular versions of the seven-card stud are the following games:

  • 7-card stud Hi/Lo - The pot is split into two equal parts. One half goes to the owner of the highest-ranking hand, and another belongs to the owner of the lowest-ranking hand.
  • Mississippi Stud - It is a game with special rules for betting and dealing cards.
  • Razz is a version with unique features of the gameplay and determination of the winner according to the lowest-ranking hand.

There are also less spread versions (for example, Roll your own).


To achieve great success playing poker, you need to master a seven-card stud. This is the cornerstone of poker that allows understanding the gameplay in all its diversity. In addition, the 7-card stud is very convenient to play at home with friends.

We would be grateful to know your opinion about this version of poker. Write in the comments about your personal experience and share your impression.

Frequently asked Questions

🃏 What is Seven Card Stud Poker?

7 Card Stud Poker is a type of poker for a company of players. It is popular in poker clubs and on gambling websites. You can also play it at home with your friends.

📃 Are Seven Card Stud Poker rules difficult?

They are the basic poker rules. If you like poker, you should master Seven Card Stud Poker. 

🧐 Can I play Seven Card Stud Poker at online casinos?

This poker is more prevalent among customers of poker clubs. Internet casinos offer other kinds of poker. 

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