expert 9.7
Denis Anipchenko
Expert opinion

We have already described different versions of American blackjack carefully in the special articles published at Casinoz. We have also discussed rules of the game popular in the land-based casinos of Atlantic City. Few online models of this blackjack are available in the gaming assortment of Microgaming company. However today we would like to talk about «Atlantic City Blackjack» developed by Cryptologic.

Type of game Blackjack
Manufacturer Cryptologic

Where to Play Atlantic City Blackjack?

Play Free Demo Atlantic City Blackjack without registration

We recommend you to play «Atlantic City Blackjack» in InterCasino, although it is also presented in other online casinos powered by Cryptologic software. It is possible to test this blackjack right at Casinoz without registration in a training mode.

Online Casinos with Atlantic City Blackjack for Canadians

How to Play Atlantic City Blackjack

«Atlantic City Blackjack» is a free American online blackjack which is played by Atlantic City rules.
Eight standard decks without jokers are used in «Atlantic City Blackjack». All cards are shuffled before each deal.
The aim of the game is to win the dealer taking more points he has never exceeding twenty one.
InterCasino provides five tables for «Atlantic City Blackjack» which differ by betting ranges ($2-50, $5-250, $25-500, $100-2000 и $500-5000). The player can stake on from one to five boxes. Amounts of the bets can be different on each box.
Let’s discuss the main points of the rules of «Atlantic City Blackjack»:
  • The croupier deals two cards to himself and faces up one of them. If it is an ace or a ten, he checks for blackjack.
  • The dealer stands on any 17.
  • Double can be made on any first two cards.
  • Double is allowed after split.
  • It is possible to split cards on the box only once.
  • Split of different cards of ten score is allowed.
  • Split aces are dealt with one card each. Blackjack is impossible on such hands (considered 21).
  • There is insurance of blackjack in case of a face up ace on the dealer’s hand. Its amount can’t exceed half of bet on the box.
  • No surrender.
  • It is not allowed to call at soft 21.
  • «Charlie rule» doesn't work in «Atlantic City Blackjack».
Payoffs are traditional in this blackjack: regular box is paid 1:1, blackjack - 3:2, insurance - 2:1.

Atlantic City Blackjack Bonus games

Any bonuses are not provided by the rules of «Atlantic City Blackjack».


A progressive jackpot is not drawn at any table of «Atlantic City Blackjack».

Atlantic City Blackjack Interface

The interface of «Atlantic City Blackjack» game has lots of elements. We would like to describe them carefully, because this blackjack is available only in English.
It is possible to set up an amount of the bet with help of the chips of appropriate value situated at the left of the table. At the right from them you can see buttons of the control panel. They replace each other depending on gaming situation. Now about their functions:
  • Deal – deal the cards.
  • Rebet & Deal – repeat the bet and deal the cards.
  • Rebet – repeat the bet.
  • Clear Bets – clean the field from the chips.
  • Hit – take a card.
  • Stand – stop taking the cards.
  • Double Down – make double.
  • Split – make split (split the cards in two hands).
  • Settings – open the user’s settings.
  • Game Speed – set up speed of the game.
  • Auto-Bet – the automatic bets mode.
  • Auto-Strategy – play by the optimal strategy.

In case of a face-up ace in the croupier’s hand, the player is suggested to buy insurance of blackjack and four buttons appear:

  • No – refuse the insurance on box.
  • Yes – place the insurance on box.
  • No to All – refuse the insurance on all boxes.
  • Yes to All – place the insurance on all boxes.

Information about the game is displayed in the following windows:

  • Balance – state of the account.
  • Paid – an amount of the payoff for a deal.
  • Bet – an amount of the total bet.
The user’s settings of «Atlantic City Blackjack» allow to set up some aspects of the game (insurance suggestion, warnings and etc.). The automatic game mode and automatic strategy also offer a plenty of settings which are useful for the experienced gamblers.
New Cryptologic
Other games

Should You Play Atlantic City Blackjack for Real Money in Canada?

You can read about features of American kinds of blackjack in general and about «Atlantic City Blackjack» in particularity in the special article. Some publications of Casinoz are also dedicated to the strategy of blackjack. Please learn it if you want to improve your skills.
Talking about «Atlantic City Blackjack» we can say that it is the excellent online version of blackjack with the very convenient interface and the great number of settings. All the real fans of this game would like it for sure.
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