
Urban Legends of Las Vegas

Welcome to Las Vegas - Las Vegas City sign

Las Vegas. What did you see after reading the first word of the article? Undoubtedly the image somehow related to the casino even indirectly arose before your eyes. And how could it be otherwise because Las Vegas is known as the world capital of gambling. Millions of tourists go there first of all to play in luxurious casinos and stunning hotels, amazing restaurants, exhibition halls, shopping malls and other entertainment centers.

However Las Vegas lives not only by gambling. It's citizens go to work, get married, have children, divorce, fight and sometimes even get killed. Any native citizen remembers many incredible and sometimes terrible events. Proving many of them it is almost impossible, so they considered urban legends.

We will tell you some of the most famous tales of Las Vegas. Not all of them are associated with casinos, but because they concern the most saturated with excitement city in the world, they deserve the attention of readers of Casinoz.

Hoover Dam

Bodies in the Hoover Dam

Guests of Las Vegas interested in the city's attractions often visit the famous Hoover Dam hydropower plant in the Black Canyon. It was built on the Colorado River on the border of Arizona and Nevada. The Dam rises above the level of the river for 221 meters.

But not impressive hight of facilities attracts crowds of tourists. Guides often tell them that during the construction of the dam in the period from 1931 to 1936 seven workers were buried here. They must have fallen into the liquid concrete, and were not found.

This legend sounds very unlikely to be truth, as the concrete is poured in small portions. It is difficult to sink into this amount. However, during the construction of the dam about one hundred people were killed.

Aliens in the Area 51

The secret American military airbase Area 51 located a few hundred miles from Las Vegas, produces test experimental aircrafts, helicopters and other aircrafts. The very existence of the database was kept secret for a long time and only in the early nineties of the twentieth century the U.S. Government admitted that this airbase really exists.

For decades in Las Vegas there are rumors that people saw UFOs above Area 51. Many people believe that the bodies of aliens crashed during landing on Earth are kept there. However the Pentagon, of course, says that all these stories are media canards.

Secret American military airfield

A corpse in the hotel room

This story is so popular that it is regularly used by filmmakers in the movies. We will not give examples, because you will remember a couple of films after reading the next paragraph.

Married couple were staying in one of the hotels in Las Vegas on a holiday and complained of unbearable stench in the room. After cleaning the smell stopped for some time, but in the morning it became even stronger. It seemed that it was from under the bed but it was empty. When hotel employees lifted the mattress, it was very heavy, and they decided to open it. You've probably guessed that between the springs there was a woman's body.

This story is not a legend. Moreover, the police repeatedly documented similar cased. Only never in Vegas.

Involuntary organ donor

They say that one of the tourists after a big win in the Las Vegas casino went to the bar where he took the company of a charming stranger. He could not remember what happened next. In the morning he regained consciousness, lying in the bathroom of hotel room. It was filled to the brim with ice. Next on the table there was a note saying "Call 911 - or you will die". A person was taken to hospital where doctors discovered that he did not have one kidney.

This story is also used by many writers and filmmakers , although there is no evidence that it happened in Las Vegas. Moreover America's national organization monitoring the kidney transplant conducted a special investigation to find the victim. But it could not.

What happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas

And finally - a saying "what happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas". Some romantic people take it too literally. But a reasonable person should understand that everything done in Las Vegas has logical consequences.

In this city is also governed by the state laws. Here you can enter into a valid marriage, recognized throughout the country. In Las Vegas, the paparazzi can always find an escaped celebrity. So this phrase a beautiful saying that each person can interpret in their own way.

Among other myths about Las Vegas you can remember about the curse slot of Megabucks (we described it in a separate article published on Casinoz). People who have never visited this city spread rumors about legal prostitution in the city (it is not true) or that everyone live in the local hotels and casinos and work there(also not true).

In short, Las Vegas is an unusual city, but it's life is full of not only gambling and shows, but also incredible incidents.

What happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas


Denis Anipchenko
Denis Anipchenko
Editor-in-chief and online gambling expert

Denis is a true professional with many years of experience in the gambling industry. His career started back in the late nineties when he worked as a croupier, pit boss, manager and casino manager. This unique experience allowed him to deeply understand the world of gambling from the inside. Since the late noughties Denis has dedicated himself to writing articles and analyses about gambling, and since the early tens he has become a key figure in the Casinoz team. Here he not only writes and edits content, but also creates reviews, shares his expertise and helps readers understand the intricacies of gambling. Denis combines practical experience and in-depth knowledge, making him one of the most respected experts in the industry. His writings are always up-to-date, proven and useful information for anyone interested in the casino world.

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Facts checked Alex Vasilev Scientific editor and fact checker
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