
How to Force Dealers to Make Mistakes

Smiling players are trying to distract the dealer

This Casinoz article will focus on how to provoke dealers' mistakes. We will take blackjack as an example, but many tips are helpful in other games where the player interacts with the dealer.

There are many different ways to provoke a dealer's mistake. Hardly anyone in the world knows all of them, but the general principles based on human psychology are described in this article.

Make Friends with Dealers

First of all, we should try to win the dealer. This can be achieved in various ways.

For example, you can be generous with lavish praise and compliments regarding the dealer's appearance and professional skills.

If the dealer is a pretty girl, it will give some effect.

Making a conversation emphasizes that no one is perfect and everyone can make a mistake, and denying this is for pompous snobs.

But talk about it in general, without referring to anyone specifically. Let the dealer's inner subconscious excuse his possible mistakes. Most importantly, do not be swayed by your own beliefs.

Show sympathy to the dealer, even if there are no valid grounds.

Say that you understand how it's hard to work in this heat or noise. In general, once again, allow croupiers to justify their mistakes if such occur.

Praise the dealer before the pit boss.

This will make them work more relaxed and casual. If you see that the pit boss is dissatisfied with the dealer's actions, support him, tell him that the chief does not understand anything in this business and only niggles. This approach is efficient if you notice that the dealer is angry at his managers.

If there is no opportunity to talk about the dealer's problems, come up with your subject.

For example, you can touch on the issue of low wages, cuts, or long working hours. Be on the dealer's side, and support them in their arguments. Ask them if the staff is satisfied with employment terms. Your conversation's main motive should be that dealers are great guys, but it would not hurt the casino to reconsider its attitude.

But be ready to meet dealers devoted to the casino.

At least, they can position themselves so. In this case, agree with their allegations and praise everything you see.

It never hurts to let the dealer feel superior. You can ask him to be supportive and express the hope that he will not be as severe as last time (even if, in the previous round, he gave you a considerable payout). Let him feel himself a professional who will undress a weak player.

Do Not Stand out in the Crowd

All of the above should help you establish a relationship with the dealer and prepare him to make mistakes. Still, you must do it gently and unobtrusively, without drawing attention.

  • Avoid raising the tone and making harsh statements.
  • If you lose, do not be overly friendly, but do not stoop to cursing.
  • Do not be afraid of natural expressions of joy when winning.

In general, he behaves like an average player who has no evil thoughts on his mind.

Try to ensure that the dealer doesn't make extra advertising to you.

Do not let him loudly declare the payout.

This can be achieved by interrupting him, saying: "Yes, I've calculated." or "I know." Avoid at all costs even conception of hype around your personality. Ask for large denomination chips as often as possible, and don't keep them in front of you on the table because you came to the casino not to boast of your achievements. Besides, if they are out of sight, it is likely to save you from the thieves.

To mingle with the crowd, you can choose a place at the table where your bet will be slightly lower than the other players.

The dealer will pay you the least attention, and if he makes a mistake or you are a card counter, you can raise the bet seamlessly.

If one of the players at the table saw that the dealer made a mistake and drew his attention to it, you have time to switch the table.

Please don't do it too openly. If the dealer noticed his own mistake, do not rush to leave. It will probably make him nervous and continue making mistakes repeatedly.


Do you use any of the suggested methods? Or perhaps, you find such an attitude unethical? Please share your opinions and experience.

Frequently asked Questions

👩‍💼 Can I force dealers in Canadian casinos to make mistakes in my favor?

There are numerous psychological tricks successfully used by advantage players.

👨‍💼 Is it ethical to provoke dealer's mistakes?

It's up to you. Many players don't hesitate to distract the dealers.

👌 Is provoking a dealer's mistakes a violation of the casino rules in Canada?

It depends on how far you take it.

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