Modern Technology in the Gambling Industry
Modern Technology in the Gambling Industry
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Casino Future

Owners of the largest casinos do not rely only on the awareness of dealers, the experience of pit bosses, and the enhanced vision of security officers. Cheaters use the latest achievements of science and technology in their fraudulent craft, making gambling operators use modern technologies. The article describes the advanced devices used in the gambling business to fight scammers.

Casino VIP Life: "They Will Give You Everything"
Casino VIP Life: "They Will Give You Everything"
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

What is it to be a VIP of a big casino? What makes it, besides playing at high stakes? How do clubs attract and keep high rollers? For several years, Anton Daniels was considered a VIP in several popular casinos. He tells what privileges this status gives and why he gave up gambling.

Fun Facts You Didn't Know about Gambling and Casinos
Fun Facts You Didn't Know about Gambling and Casinos
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

Do you know a lot of exciting things facts about gambling? Indeed you will discover something new by reading this article. It contains amusing stories about casinos, games of chance, famous players, etc. We recommend it to a wide range of readers who are fond of this subject.

The Most Gambling Nations
The Most Gambling Nations
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Gambling Worldwide

In which country do people lose the most in casinos, bookmakers, and lotteries? Representatives of what nation are considered the most gambling? The review article provides statistics on this topic. In addition, you will learn what entertainment is trendy in different states, why they are so popular, how the authorities react and what gambling addiction experts say.

Why Are Megaways Slots So Popular?
Why Are Megaways Slots So Popular?
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

Megaways slot machines are the hallmark of Big Time Gaming. The first video slot in the series was the famous Bonanza. Now, dozens of games by BTG and other companies are based on Megaways. The game's peculiarity is that the number of symbols on a reel changes from spin to spin. The number of winning combinations is also not constant, so the gameplay is unpredictable and exciting.

10 Reasons to Play Jacks or Better Video Poker
10 Reasons to Play Jacks or Better Video Poker
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Video Poker

Do you often visit online casinos or land-based gambling clubs? Haven't you mastered video poker yet? It is an unpardonable omission on your part because this game provides very favorable conditions. Many gambling experts find Jacks or Better its best version. The main advantages of the famous "Jacks" are explained in the article.

Cashback at Online Casinos
Cashback at Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Bonus Hunting

Have you ever received cashback at an online casino? Do you know how this kind of bonus works? Do you understand all the nuances of the rules? The article tells everything a player needs to know about cashback. If such actions are not new to you, read the material for comprehensive information. You will learn how to earn cashback, who can claim it, how to use it, and what to pay attention to.

Don't Play Slots until You Know These 5 Facts
Don't Play Slots until You Know These 5 Facts
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

The author of books about casinos and articles about gambling John Grochowski has identified five essential points that all slot players should understand. What should be the optimal rate? How to fight for progressive jackpots? Is there a connection between the spins? Does the level of theoretical return depend on the amount at stake? The article answers these and many other questions of interest to fans of slot machines.

Three or Five Reels? Is More Always Better?
Three or Five Reels? Is More Always Better?
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

Three-reel slot machines or five-reel video slots? A basic set of game options or an extensive list of bonuses? Classic rules or unique gameplay features? What slot machines do you prefer? The article is focused on the key differences between the two main slot categories. It will help to understand all the issues related to this topic.

Truth and Fiction about the Legendary Bird Cage Theatre
Truth and Fiction about the Legendary Bird Cage Theatre
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Gambling History

The Bird Cage Theatre was one of the most famous entertainment venues in the Wild West. There the legendary poker club collected well-known players and sharpers. Numerous legends are associated with it, which speak about his cult status. The fictional events and authentic history of the Bird Cage are described in the article.

House Edge in Blackjack 101
House Edge in Blackjack 101
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

It is impossible to beat the casino in blackjack without learning the rules, mastering the basic strategy, understanding the key terms, grasping pro techniques, and practicing regularly. It is also essential to know why the house gets a mathematical advantage over the player and how to eliminate it. This article will tell you everything about the house edge in blackjack that an advantage gambler should know.

The Unique Experiment Showing How Gambling Addicts' Brains Function When They Play
The Unique Experiment Showing How Gambling Addicts' Brains Function When They Play
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Gambling psychology

What happens in a gambler's brain when he puts real money on the line and watches the gameplay? Researchers from BBC Panorama conducted a unique experiment in which they studied the patient using magnetic resonance imaging, what they saw puzzled scientists and led them to unexpected conclusions, forcing a slightly different look at the problem of addiction, its causes and methods of treatment.

Statistics on Illegal Gambling around the World
Statistics on Illegal Gambling around the World
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Casino Scams

A huge segment of the gambling business operates contrary to the law. Illegal gambling covers the areas of gambling, poker, betting, lotteries, and other subspecies of the industry. Swindlers arrange frauds, open underground institutions, arrange illegal sweepstakes and in every possible way deceive fans of gambling. The statistical data presented in the article will help to understand the scope of the problem.

Bill Brennan's Unsolved Casino Heist
Bill Brennan's Unsolved Casino Heist
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Casino Scams

How do you imagine a casino robbery? Masked robbers, machine guns, safe–breakers - leave it all to Hollywood directors who shoot spectacular action movies. The most successful scammers act quietly and unnoticeably. In 1992, Bill Brennan stole half a million dollars from the famous Stardust casino in Las Vegas and seemed to disappear into thin air. Police haven't been able to find him yet. Read on about one of the most successful frauds in the history of gambling.

The Abandoned Casino Royale Ship
The Abandoned Casino Royale Ship
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Top World Casinos

The Casino Royale passenger vessel had an exciting story with a sad ending. For several decades, it regularly entertained gamblers, taking them outside the United States in neutral waters. But since 2015, its slot machines, roulette wheels, and blackjack tables have been dust-covered. Now it is forgotten and abandoned. Its fans can only hope hopes that it will return to the gambling business.

Kerry Packer, a Billionaire, Philanthropist, and Gambler
Kerry Packer, a Billionaire, Philanthropist, and Gambler
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Descendants remember Kerry Packer, a media mogul and the wealthiest man in Australia, as a great gambler. He won and lost tremendous money amounts making colossal bets. He was welcome in top gambling clubs, but they feared him because he could bankrupt them. The article tells about the life of the legendary person.

Amazing Winnings in the History of Gambling
Amazing Winnings in the History of Gambling
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Jackpots and wins

The history of gambling knows a lot of huge winnings. Enormous jackpots on video slots, multimillion-dollar payouts in lotteries, and fantastic triumphs of high rollers become legends. They are widely recited in the media, passed from mouth to mouth, and gradually acquire new details. The most amazing wins are discussed in the article.

Brian Molony: I Stole to Gamble
Brian Molony: I Stole to Gamble
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

How should you play for money, so they write books and shoot movies about you with renowned actors in the lead roles? Ask Brian Molony, for whom gambling has become the meaning of his existence. He became one of the most famous gambling addicts in the world. His fateful passion ruined him. Yet, he managed to cope with the disorder and return to everyday life.

Unsolved Crimes in the History of Gambling
Unsolved Crimes in the History of Gambling
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Casino Scams

Stolen money, dubious winnings, kidnapped people, murdered visitors, corrupt employees, and armed robberies often occur in gambling in any country. Often the criminals remain unpunished. This article tells about the mysterious criminal incidents in the industry.

Which Slot Machines Let You Win?
Which Slot Machines Let You Win?
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

Which slot machines pay out much? Casino regulars are constantly looking for hot and cold slots, hoping they will please them with frequent and large payouts. But is it possible to find giving devices? Is it right to use this expression at all? Or was it invented by cunning gambling operators to attract customers? Let's figure it out together.

John Doc Holliday, a Wild West Legend
John Doc Holliday, a Wild West Legend
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Legendary card player and gunslinger John Doc Holliday chose a career as a dentist, graduated from University brilliantly, and began a successful practice as a dentist in his office. Then his life was radically changed by tuberculosis. Because of his illness, he could not work as a doctor and chose the path of a cardsharp, murderer, and robber, thus writing his name in the history of the Wild West.

The Ups and Downs of Nick "The Greek" Dandolos
The Ups and Downs of Nick "The Greek" Dandolos
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

The biography of Nick the Greek Dandolos is full of incredible events. Researchers doubt the authenticity of some legends and myths, but this does not make the stories about the achievements of the legendary poker player any less fascinating. The article describes his remarkable victories, connections with the criminal world, and friendship with Albert Einstein.

Misconceptions about Video Poker
Misconceptions about Video Poker
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
Video Poker

Do you like to play video poker? Then surely you know the rules and basic strategy. But are you sure that you do not share the popular misconceptions about this game? Some of them are very common. The article debunks the most persistent myths and provides factual information on these issues.

Online Casino Slots for the FIFA World Cup 2018
Online Casino Slots for the FIFA World Cup 2018
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

Are you ready for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, held at the stadiums of the Russian Federation? The developers of online gambling games have released themed video slots for the tournament. The best titles from the leading brands are collected in a review. It includes traditional slot machines and unusual games with original characters and unique features.

How to Download Online Casinos
How to Download Online Casinos
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko
For beginners

Do you play in an online casino using a browser version or prefer downloading and installing a client program? Most new clubs offer customers the instant-play mode, but some popular gambling websites are in no hurry to abandon the downloadable version. What are its advantages? Does it have significant drawbacks? Answers to these and other questions are in our article.

Top 10 Biggest Online Casino Winners for All Time
Top 10 Biggest Online Casino Winners for All Time
Denis Anipchenko Denis Anipchenko

In the past few years, online gambling has become very famous because of progressive jackpot games. When you play online, the jackpot prize increases every time you make a bet. You might have seen so many news reports and articles mentioning how a common person won big in online gambling. You are always only one step away from becoming big, and these 10 online casino winners are perfect examples to it. They have won in a variety of games including blackjack, slots, video poker, and table games.

The Casino Rewards Group
The Casino Rewards Group
Alessandro Alessandro
Gambling Worldwide

The Casino Rewards Group includes thirty famous online casinos with high-quality services and a wide range of gambling games of popular genres. A unified loyalty program with a multi-level system of accruing points for bets is available for customers. In addition, customers are provided with other opportunities. Users can read about the services of the network in our review article.

Are Online or Offline Casinos More Dangerous for Addicted Gamblers?
Are Online or Offline Casinos More Dangerous for Addicted Gamblers?
Alessandro Alessandro
Gambling psychology

Which type of casino is more likely to make you an addicted gambler? Which gambling clubs are more dangerous for potential compulsive gamblers: land-based or websites? The article focuses on the main dangers that await you in both cases. It will help you avoid the development of addiction and give useful advice.

Ten+ Best Online Casino Software Providers
Ten+ Best Online Casino Software Providers
Alessandro Alessandro

It is not easy to choose the best online casino software provider because hundreds of companies offer products for this industry. Casinoz has compiled a list of studios that offer high-quality gambling games indeed. Our experts have tested most games by these developers to tell you about their main pros and cons.

Why Do Casinos Close Down?
Why Do Casinos Close Down?
Alessandro Alessandro
Casino Management

Online casinos can close down for many reasons. Although this business seems profitable, many clubs become bankrupt because of unprofessional management, weak advertising, or bad luck. A gambling website may stop operating due to the merger with a major operator, within the framework of rebranding, after changes in the legislation, or due to other situations discussed below.

Magic Crystal Slot Hall in the Yantarnaya Gambling Zone
Magic Crystal Slot Hall in the Yantarnaya Gambling Zone
Alessandro Alessandro
Russian casinos

Magic Crystal slot hall has been open for visitors since April 2016 in the Yantarnaya gambling zone in the Kaliningrad region. The club is located in the village of Kulikovo. Over one and a half hundred popular video slots by famous brands are available in a two-story building designed as a glass cube. All services the gambling house provides are described in the article.

Why Do You Gamble?
Why Do You Gamble?
Alessandro Alessandro
Gambling psychology

Researchers have long been trying to explain the incentives that make people gamble. What motivates you when you visit a casino, betting office, or poker club? Is it a desire to win a large sum of money, an obsession to discover something new, or a wish to overcome difficult obstacles? The article on Casinoz explores this subject matter.

What Can We Expect from Online Gambling?
What Can We Expect from Online Gambling?
Alessandro Alessandro
Casino Future

How will online gambling develop? What can we expect from game developers, software providers, and website operators? Will they surprise us with advanced technologies and unexpected solutions? Casinoz has tried to predict new trends in the industry.

Health Benefits of Playing Card Games
Health Benefits of Playing Card Games
Alessandro Alessandro
Gambling psychology

Avid opponents of gambling see only drawbacks in card games. However, researchers disagree with them. Recent studies have shown that playing cards can benefit physical and overall well-being. Moreover, many doctors already use this method in therapy. The usefulness of card games is discussed in the article.

The Best Casino Dealer Features
The Best Casino Dealer Features
Alessandro Alessandro
Casino Management

Have you ever worked as a dealer? How good were you professionally? Check whether you have all the traits of a good dealer. In this Casinoz article, experienced managers in the gambling field share their opinions on the features of the best croupiers.

New Year Video Slots
New Year Video Slots
Alessandro Alessandro

It has become a good tradition for many major software developers to release new Christmas slot machines on New Year's Eve. Some well-known companies please users with such novelties every year. In this article, reviewers of the Casinoz gambling encyclopedia have collected information on the best video slots dedicated to celebrating the New Year.

Weird Video Slots
Weird Video Slots
Alessandro Alessandro

Gambling operators are ready to use all sorts of tricks to attract customers. Basic tricks include free bars, junket tours, special promotions for high rollers, show programs, and prizes. The range of games available in casinos plays a key role. And not all of them seem to be traditional. The article discusses the most unusual slot machines that will impress you.

Huge Jackpots Casino Refused to Pay
Huge Jackpots Casino Refused to Pay
Alessandro Alessandro
Jackpots and wins

Imagine you have hit a massive jackpot at a casino, but its administration does not want to pay it out. Do you think such cases are rare? Far from it! Dozens of gamblers experienced such situations in recent years. The most famous scandals with unpaid jackpots and the reasons why gambling clubs refuse to pay out large amounts of money are described in the article.

What Annoys Me in Slot Machines
What Annoys Me in Slot Machines
Alessandro Alessandro

What functional and design features of slot machines do you hate the most? Non-informative rules, an incomprehensible system of calculating payouts, lack of data on the RTP, lagging, high demands for PC performance, and other drawbacks of online games, which are discussed in the Casinoz article, annoy me very much.

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