
How to bypass restrictions of online casino access


Near the holiday season, many of our fellow citizens prepare their bodies to get warm in the sun and splash in the warm sea in Egypt or make an exotic and original journey to Dubai. Suppose that you are traveling there for the first time and do not know local orders, and, as you read our portal, you are a player. And now you are in a situation where you do not violate the laws of their home country, but in the country you come to relax, access to online casinos is forbidden. Well, what a vacation without a few dozen spins on the slots in the evening in your favorite online casino? You definitely need to do something.

Let's see how things are going with gambling in different counties of the world. In all countries of the Muslim world, online casinos are forbidden - their God will not allow anything to be done about it. Even beloved Turkey banned gambling in 2012. Egypt, after the revolutionary events of recent years, also became Muslim and now there is not very much there to play. Further, the United States and China, though not Muslim countries, but also do not favor online players. Yes, there are Las Vegas and Macau, but we are talking about an online casino. In China, for example, the authorities not only block online casinos, but also plan to introduce special programs that will block any sites somehow relating to the industry of online gambling. There is no possibility to play online and in such a tourist mecca as Singapore and Tailand.

A very interesting example is Israel. Until recently it was impossible to officially play in online casinos in Israel. Officially only sports betting and lottery were allowed. But savvy Israelis in a coffin saw all these bans and still play online. Their police protested against such a malicious neglect - violating the laws! - And forced providers to keep track of players in an online casino. But the Israelites were not born yesterday and filed in court against the police! And, as it does not seem surprising or impossible, the court supported the ordinary citizens of Israel. Police actions were considered illegal as they violate constitutional rights, and now the Israelis do not leave online casinos without violating the laws of their state.

So imagine: you're on vacation at any resort, and access to online casino sites blocked by local ISPs. You enter the website of your favorite casino, rubbing hands in anticipation and thinking "Ok, let's play ," but instead of the usual site you suddenly see the error message, a blocking message or even a blank page. What do you do in this situation? We do not need it yet classic saying: "Normal characters are always in the detour"! We'll start by passing the restrictions.

But first, a small educational program - in fact for 90% of Internet users, things like vpn, i2p, proxy and other ways to bypassing the ban are dark forest. Many of them do not know what it is at all, let alone how to use it.

Let's start with the fact that, like every car, every computer on the network has its own unique number - IP-address. Exactly the same IP- address is at each site including your favorite online casino - this is the address of the server where the site is located. It is not very easy to remember, so they come up with domain names for convenience of fellow. A record of a site address is on the DNS- servers. And after we enter the site name in the browser, for example, computer accesses the DNS- server provider and find out the domain with this IP- address, and then goes to the casino server. So that we can facilitate the work of the computer and go to the site directly by typing in the address bar of your browser not domain, but IP- address of the site.

But how do you know this IP- address, you ask? It's easy! For example, let's take the well-known casino and determine its IP- address. Press Start, then click Run and in the window that opens write "cmd".

Run program

Click OK, and we have opened this window:


Near the blinking cursor write : ping and press Enter. You will see something like this:

William Hill

Here it is, IP- address casino of -, now we enter it in the address bar of our browser. Voila - we got to


Besides this method you can see IP-address on special sites, for example, Thus you can know the domain name of the site by it's IP-address.


IP-addresses are clear now but we need to know another couple of things - port and protocol.

Port is a number a client program uses to specify the server of the computer it wants to connect. You just have to remember:

WEB- server - port 80

FTP- server - port 21

SMTP- server to send mail - port 25

POP- server to receive mail - port 110

ICQ- server - port 5190

So to enter, we write in the browser:, to get on the FTP- server (if there is any we write :, but not in the browser, but in a special FTP- program. And when you write a letter to, the e-mail program uses ports 25 and 110.

From this we can conclude: a WEB- server can communicate only with WEB- browser, FTP- server with FTP- client, mail server has to deal mailer, in other words it will not work. A set of rules - who, with whom and how can communicate - is called a protocol. Different programs use different protocols.

So, you know the basics, and now we will describe to bypass the prohibitions of different countries on casinos, from simple to complex ones. In general the scheme of a computer with an online casino site looks like this:

server and PC

Here we see clearly that there may be two types of site blocking - block by DNS and IP. Blocking by DNS - the most simple, it is easier to bypass.

bypass blocking

It looks like this: when your computer is accessing the DNS- server and asks it for IP- address of the online casino, the answer is nothing and you can see on the screen a message that the site is blocked, or just a blank page. Bypassing such blocking is easier: just use public DNS- services and writie the address of the DNS- server in the connection settings.


Here is a list of public servers that you can use:

• / OpenDNS

• / Level3

• / Security

• / Google

• / Comodo Secure DNS

• / ScrubIT

• / Public-Root

• / DNS Advantage

• / SmartViper

• / Norton DNS

• / OpenNIC

In addition to using alternative open DNS- servers, you can more directly tell the computer that the site has IP- address is, then it does not have to turn on the DNS- server. This is in the file hosts, which can be found on your computer at WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts. Open this file in Notepad, and it has the IP- address of your computer - localhost. Enter - and everything is ready, the ban on the DNS is bypassed:

However, these options will work only if they lock DNS, without blocking IP-address. But it does not happen often, usually providers block immediately DNS and IP. Nevertheless, it's worth it , since it is very simple . And in order to bypass blocking by IP-address, you need more effort . Blocking by IP looks like this:

alt="acheme" src="/userfiles/7b.jpg"

There are more ways to bypass it too, but they all have the same principle: If your computer can not connect with the IP-address - you should use the intermediate unlocked server you can access to the requested site from. These intermediate servers are called proxy servers.


Let's see what is proxy and how they work . Anonymous proxies used to hide your real IP- address and most programs work with them when using the Internet: browsers Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, mailers , ICQ, FTP-managers, download managers , such as Reget, Download Master, Flashget, Net Transport, and many others . Benefit from their use is twofold: First, you can anonymously enter blocked sites, and secondly - you can avoid the various network attacks on your computer.

There are several types of proxy, depending on the protocol they use: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 and others. HTTP-proxy is the most common on the Internet, but they work only with HTTP. And they are not always anonymous, because sometimes IP- address of your computer is inserted into the headers of their requests. But socks (ie proxy SOCKS4, SOCKS5) are good because they work with the transport layer protocols - UDP/IP, TCP/IP, and so they work with all types of servers - as the Sox and any others. Moreover, they are completely anonymous , because at the protocol level UDP/IP and TCP/IP is physically impossible to transmit additional information, since it would violate the protocol operation.

So, we learn about proxy , now let's go the following table, which shows the ways to bypass blocking by IP-address and evaluation of the various characteristics of these methods by a 5 point scale.


Let's start from the beginning.

1 . VPS - Virtual Private Server.

This is one of the safest and most effective ways of bypassing - your own VPS. In fact, it's your own proxy server you bought and pay for. The table contains such an easy setup - just if you pay the money, you can do not to deal with all nuances of set up, but just ask for technical support to configure VPS for your goals. You can install a second operating system in a secure environment, and then install the client of the casino and play a VPS server via Remote Desktop.

If you know programming, the self-installation VPS will take no more than 10 minutes, and you can enjoy free VPS. Many VPS services offer a free month of testing, and you can for a long time to "jump" from one VPS to another. Here's a link to the forum thread with a list of free VPS:

You should pay attention to these things: do not buy (or do not choose free) VPS in countries that prohibit playing in online casinos, for example, the U.S. or Russia ? Choose VPS in safe states - the Czech Republic , Germany, Iceland, Ireland, ...

Why in the columns Anonymity, Hidden Internet and difficulty specified 0? - This could be argued, but there are two facts that completely negate your anonymity: 1. Your home ISP will see that you go for VPS. 2. When buying a VPS you must specify your personal data. Here, of course, may be options, but , as we know , we are the law-abiding citizens and the law of our country does not forbid us to play in foreign online casinos, we just enter our favorite casino site in the country we come to relax. Therefore, anonymity is not so important to us, and in this article we won't consider issues of anonymity and bypassing methods.

2. The proxy.

At this point, there is a whole group of methods, let's look at them , starting with the simplest - anonymizer.

2.1. Anonymizer

is a page on the Internet, which looks like a search engine. Only in the input field you so not enter search terms, but the website address you want to go (in our case , it 's a casino


In fact anonymizer is a proxy server in a user-friendly web-shell : no need to install additional software, dig in your browser settings or do anything else. Everything is already set in anonymizer, you only need to type address of a site you want to enter and click "Go". But the pros of anonymizer end and disadvantages begin.

The first is slow speed. Because in order for anonymiser to show you a page with the site, it must first download it to their server and handle all references so that they, too, were on the anonymizer. It takes time ... and has advertising that twist almost all proxies - because that's how they live. Proxies also can not alter under a variety of modern technologies that use websites: Flash, ActiveX, JavaScript , etc. So many websites through anonymizer won't look and work correctly. Another drawback is that all your data will pass through an anonymous server that belongs to no one, even without encryption! So you are risking your password in online casino.

Here is a list of anonymizers, you can choose any of them: Note that, as in the case of VPS, you change the country from which you visit the casino, so you should choose the proxies of the countries that do not prohibit online casinos.

2.2. Old way to work with a proxy.

Old and very mind-wrecking: you need to enter the address of the proxy server in your browser settings manually. In all browsers it's different, for example, in Firefox it is as follows :

Proxy settings

In the Settings you choose "Advanced" , then "Network" tab, click on Customize and get there. But before that, you need to find a free proxy. You can do it using the search engine or you can use on the specialized sites:






Unfortunately, the proxy you find are often slow or do not work, and if they work - then quickly die.

Of course, this process can be automated to some extent - there is a bunch of special programs that perform certain functions: Proxy Hunter - looking for free proxy , ProxyChecker - checks proxies for anonymity, or entire harvesters doing everything: SurfNow Professional or Anonymity 4 Proxy. The problem is that all these programs are shareware and eventually you have to pay. Therefore we will not consider them in this article.

2.3. Browser plug-ins.

Such plug-ins are full proxies, but more comfortable and functional. These plug-ins on the fly do your real IP- address anonymous and some more things: substitute identifier of your browser and User- Agent string, allow you to disable cookies and enter the Tor network.

The two most popular plugins today are Hide my Ass! and AnonymoX. Plugin Hide my Ass! for the Firefox browser is here:, Chrome:

AnonymoX has a full support service located at: When you enter the page, it determines your browser - Firefox or Chrome, and depending on that offers suitable for this browser plugin (although currently anonymoX is only offered to users of Firefox, but hopefully soon the version for Chrome wil re-appear).

Installing and configuring plugins for different browsers is very similar, so let's analyze in detail one combination - AnonymoX plugin for Firefox.


Download it if Firefox asks about permit for installation, click Allow. Then you will see a window asking you:

Plugins installation

Click Ok after installation when you are asked to restart Firefox. After restart next to the address bar, you will see an icon in the form of X:

If you click on it, the AnonymoX menu appears:

In the settings you can select the country and specific proxy from the list. After activation, the traffic goes through the selected proxy servers , and blocked sites become available. You can choose to replace the proxy - "on the fly" in Premium. Regular users use the first two methods , but if you want more, you can buy premium, which costs $5.89 USD per month , or by subscription, you get no ads, unlimited bandwidth, greater choice of proxy servers than in Free version, as well as other additional things. The difference between the paid and free versions is in the following screenshot:

In Opera it's even easier - Opera Turbo technology can be used as a substitute for the proxy server. When you turn on Opera Turbo, requests from your computer go through the server of Opera Software, which becomes a proxy for us. IP-address is changed:

Opera Turbo

To enable Opera Turbo, go to settings - left-click on the icon Opera in the upper left corner , select Settings - Quick Setup, and tick the checkbox of Enable Opera Turbo; or just use press F12.

In a similar way you can use other services as a proxy server - for example , Google or the Microsoft Corporation. The trick is very simple: use their translators. When translating the pages from one language to another, Google generates a link in the address bar type Thus if we substitute the name of the blocked site, it automatically opens already translated in the browser. Then, press Original and see blocked site - which is what we needed - . Microsoft translator works in the similar way: translate blocked site in another language: - and get it with the IP-address of Microsoft.

3 . VPN - Virtual Private Network.

VPN is a more robust solution to bypass bans than proxies. VPN-connection is often called the VPN- tunnel, as it can be visually represented as a tunnel connecting your PC and a dedicated server. Your computer communicates with the first virtual server, and then goes to the Internet so that you have the IP address of this server. All your traffic is encrypted by a special algorithm and passes through the locks of your provider, like a knife through butter. Provider does not see what information passes through the tunnel, because all kinds of traffic look for it the same way. Intercepting your traffic or blocking access to any site is very difficult.


In the web there are plenty of sites where you can buy access to the VPN-tunnel. Cost is about $5 per month - it's a small amount for anonymous and secure access to any sites. When you create a VPN- connection - you simply create a new network connection, which does not differ from a standard LAN connection: your browser does not notice the difference and will use the VPN- tunnel to browse the Internet without any additional configuration. Schematically it looks like when you enter casino address into your browser, a special GRE- packet on your computer is sent in encrypted form to the VPN- server, where it requests to download the casino site on behalf of the VPN- server. After receiving a response from the casino site, VPN- server puts it in a GRE- packet as encrypted and send it to your computer. That is the transmitted data is encrypted constantly.

Here are some popular VPN services:

Hotspot Shield,




Air VPN,




And here you can find list VPN providers and their technical characteristics and monthly payment.

Big minus of the VPN anonymity is that if your traffic has no additional encryption - for example, with HTTPS Web traffic, the VPN operator can intercept your information and use it for their own purposes . Therefore, you can only hope that the operator will not abuse the VPN access to your information. But there is a way out - there are free programs that allow establishing a private network VPN, for example - OpenVPN. And if you have a friend who lives in a country loyal to online gambling, you can create a private VPN-tunnel. You need to be well grounded technically though, and we will not go into details in this article. But after installing the private VPN- tunnel you will get the perfect bypass of any bans - reliable and free.

4 . TOR - The Onion Router

- A great tool that ensures your anonymity and bypasses any interlocks. TOR works on the principle of "onion routing". Tor users on your computer run the onion-proxy, it connects to other servers and forms a virtual Tor anonymous network. When connecting to use three servers, they form a temporary chain, and these chains are constantly changing. All servers in this chain are chosen by chance and "know" only the previous and next link in the chain. That is impossible to trace the complete route, and even identify the sender.

Before leaving your computer, a data packet is sequentially encrypted with three keys: to the third node, then the second and the first. When another node receives a packet, then by analogy with cleaning onions, it decrypts the uppermost layer of the cipher and determines where to send the packet next. All of the following nodes operate the same way.

kak works programma

TOR is open source software, so, it is checked and tested every day by hundreds of users worldwide. It also provides built-in protection against Trojans, viruses and backdoors.

Installing Tor is simple. You can download the installation package from the official site Now there is also TOR Bundle - a single software package , where you do not need to configure anything. To get started, it is enough to download, install and run it. You can download it here : There is also a plug-in for Firefox, called Torbutton, you can download it here : In one click all your traffic will be safely sent through a chain of intermediate nodes.

TORalso has two drawbacks, because them usng it for our purposes, playing in an online casino, is not good enough.

1. All your data passes through a chain of Tor nodes as encrypted , but the destination server where the data are located on the external Internet, has access to unencrypted data. That is, after all there is a chance, very small, that someone at the output node will get all your passwords from the casino. If you can risk or not - decide for yurself.

2. Another drawback is, of course, the speed. Each of the servers are included in the chain and cause a delay time of response along with the channel width. As a result, we have a modem connection speed, you have probably forgotten. For modern casinos, its small.

5 . I2P - Invisible Internet Project. This is the last way to bypass the blocking. We will review it briefly, just for completeness. This method is also not suitable for our purposes because of slow operation - I2P speed depends on the number of users in the network and there are not many of them.

I2P network was originally designed to work in the toughest conditions - it was assumed that all intermediate nodes belong to attackers, regulatory authorities, packed with sniffers and other hacking gadgets. I2P is impossible to destroy, block or filter data from it. It is no central servers or DNS- servers, and it does not depend on external DNS- servers. A small enumeration of the different protections used in the network I2P can shock a unprepared user. Multilayered encryption and onion routing one-sided tunnels and passing encrypted packets of information in not one but several different tunnels, assigning a random number of random bytes to each packet, after the package it is still encrypted on the bulbs, pass-through , tunnel and transport layers with more than 9,000 algorithms! Each package your computer sends is broken into pieces and only part of the package comes to the target computer. All traffic passes the one-way encrypted tunnels randomly changing direction in 10 minutes, creating several of these tunnels, and the packages also have random order.

Nevidimy internet

In general, in network security I2P the order of magnitude is higher than in the security of the TOR network, and two orders of magnitude higher than in the normal Internet. But setting this network is very complex and an inexperienced user will simply can not do it. If you are interested in the Invisible Internet project, you can further explore it's website

In this article we have tried to review all possible ways to bypass blocked sites of online casinos by local Internet providers. Which of these methods is better - decide for yourself, depending on local conditions and personal preferences. It is best to try them all, choose the best and configure your laptop before the trip to the resort , otherwise it could happen that the entire vacation you will not play your favorite casino, but tinker with the settings of a particular network. And portal wishes you a successful game and enjoying your holidays!

Denis Anipchenko
Denis Anipchenko
Editor-in-chief and online gambling expert

Denis is a true professional with many years of experience in the gambling industry. His career started back in the late nineties when he worked as a croupier, pit boss, manager and casino manager. This unique experience allowed him to deeply understand the world of gambling from the inside. Since the late noughties Denis has dedicated himself to writing articles and analyses about gambling, and since the early tens he has become a key figure in the Casinoz team. Here he not only writes and edits content, but also creates reviews, shares his expertise and helps readers understand the intricacies of gambling. Denis combines practical experience and in-depth knowledge, making him one of the most respected experts in the industry. His writings are always up-to-date, proven and useful information for anyone interested in the casino world.

An expert in:
  • casino operations
  • management
  • gambling analytics
  • RTP
  • volatility
  • regulation
  • trends
  • reviews
  • editorial
  • expertise
Facts checked Alex Vasilev Scientific editor and fact checker
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