
History of Casino Bonus Hunting


Whatever humanists say, a person by nature is a spooky "freeloader." He will be happy to get something for free and often tries to do it several times if there is a chance. One would assume that it is just the greed of our fellow citizens, but numerous examples from the history of different countries convince us that it is inherent in most people.

Owners and managers of casinos are well aware of this from their personal experience. Once a casino begins to offer customers some incentives, they immediately try to cheat somehow and get more than they should. And in the case of online casinos, a similar phenomenon has become particularly widespread and has been called "bonus-hunting."

Greetings from Denmark

It was born just a few months after online casinos introduced bonuses to attract new customers. It is believed that the first bonus hunters appeared in Denmark. This assumption may not be entirely accurate, but no one would dispute that the Danish players first began to hunt for bonuses massively.

They registered several times in the same casinos, got bonuses, wagered them (sometimes, at the dawn of online gambling, it generally was not required), and withdrew money. Of course, they were not going to play in the casinos.

If the guys who were the first to hit upon this, would be a bit smarter, they would not tell about it to everyone.

Why would you share such valuable information with everyone? And it got to the point that Danish television channels made a TV program with tips for novice bonus hunters. People soon began to chase bonuses in all the countries whose citizens had the opportunity to play in an online casino.

In general, this shop closed down soon. Cheaters (in fact, all bonus hunters are) had cash, and honest customers forever lost the opportunity to get the best bonuses.

Casinos Fight Back

The casinos considerably tightened requirements for those who wanted to receive bonuses to protect themselves.

  1. First, they began to restrict citizens from many countries, and for players from some regions, they introduced special rules.
  2. Secondly, the rules of wagering made them unprofitable.

Now wagering bonuses require x30, x40, or even x100. It is allowed to bet only in certain games. In short, the bonus terms and conditions may consist of a hundred paragraphs.

Who Benefits from Casino Bonuses?

The best bonuses in modern casinos have become a rarity. They are available, as a rule, only to a few customers and are offered individually. The vast majority of bonuses, no matter how beneficial they may seem, are not interesting for an ordinary player.

Even no deposit bonuses that do not require you to risk personal funds take too much time, leaving little chance for a successful outcome. So decide for yourself whether you need them.

Are Bonus Hunters Still Alive?

Yes, we can confidently say that casino bonus hunters have been defeated. Of course, periodically, there are missteps (mostly in small casinos with inexperienced administrators), but talking about this practice as a mass phenomenon is no longer necessary. The bonus hunters are extinct dinosaurs.

You can still come across sites whose owners give tips on how to hunt for bonuses, but you will not find sensible advice there.

It's for the best. Play fair and always with the mind!

bonus hunting in casinos

Frequently asked Questions

❓ Should I practice bonus hunting at Canadian casinos?

You can try to benefit from online casino bonuses, but most gambling clubs do not welcome bonus hunters. Be ready to get expelled from the website. They may even confiscate your money. 

🧐 May I open several accounts at a casino to get several welcome bonuses?

No, you may not. It is against the rules. Read the Terms and Conditions of any online casino. You will see a paragraph about this issue.

🍬 What internet casino bonuses are the best ones?

Look for free bonuses with moderate wagering requirements. Of course, they are infrequent. 

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