
Cheaters Eugene Schultz and Alexander Friedmann

We ask all defrauded comments, as well as to report new sites about similar scams !

Some time ago we saw advertising of a site "for easy money", the design of which exactly copied the famous social network Someone Alexander Friedmann who calls himself a student of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (apparently to create an image of a genius mathematician) promised to teach everyone to earn up to $500 a day on a roulette in a casino and claimed that he has been using this method for a long time.

For that, it was necessary to register in one of four questionable online casinos from the list, make a deposit of $20 (although, as the author claims, the more the better), work out in free mode and only then start playing for real money. It is unclear why Friedman offers a play on the most banal of all possible progressive betting systems - Martingale. The portal Casinoz has a detailed article about this system and its shortcomings called "The truth about the Martingale system".

Any more or less versed in gambling person knows that Martingale is a deadlock system that can be effective only when there is no upper limit bet (missing in the proposed casinos) and an endless supply of money (which does not exactly you have). Otherwise, after a few moves a player can reach a solution on the table maximum bets and the system loses all meaning.

In the end, the first sentence is false, even in the "reveals the secrets" of online fraudster Friedman. It states that "the game of roulette is based on the probability and the law of averages". This is nonsense and clear cheating! Each spin of the roulette wheel is a new draw not related to the previous one.

Its an obvious lie to attract customers to specific casinos. And dozens of rave reviews on the site leave no doubt is that it is fake. We have not touched on this topic not because of the obvious lie, but also because it elaborates on the respected websites dedicated to gambling.

But still undertaking it forced us to new circumstances. First, paradoxically continuing complaints from readers, telling how they burned this system. Secondly, the Russian-speaking Internet, new scam - like sites, where users are asked the same thing. For example, one of them who introduced himself as the author Eugene Schultz.

Frankly, we would be doubly hurt if this guy is among readers of our website. Indeed, we have repeatedly revealed the true essence of all betting systems (progressive, in particular). We talked and argued that roulette has certain percentage rates, and they can not be changed. As an example of fruitless attempts we quoted famous mathematicians who have failed to achieve in this. Well, apparently, the desire for easy money is stronger than the voice of reason.

For those who not so long ago joined the ranks of readers Casinoz, we once again explain the dangerous Martingale system (which under the guise of his invention offer these crooks), and why it is ineffective.

The same color on the roulette may fall many times in a row. One unsuccessful series in this system, as a result of it, you reach the maximum limit of bets, you deprive a large sum. Raising the bet is doubled after each loss, you are already on the eighth time over $100, and the total amount of bets placed exceed $250. Think about how long you will then have to beat it winning one dollar.

Do you think that a single color can not fall out eight times in a row? Believe me, in many years of experience in the casino I have seen several dozen depositions of the same color in a row. Also, if your chances of losing bets on if the ball stops at zero only reduces your chances of winning. And the less the casino expansion between the minimum and maximum rates, the more likely that you will lose if following this system.

Remember Friedman, Schultz and the like are just cheaters, who tricked you to take to the casino with a dubious reputation. In their words there is nothing innovative or original. This hackneyed advice is meant for a complete ignoramus. If you do not want to fill their ranks, read authoritative publications that are not full of promises to teach you impossible.

UPD 10/05/11

We are forced to revise this topic and continue its development, because the network sites similar to those described hereinbefore keep appearing. Apparently, the scheme works effectively, despite numerous admonitions of experts on various websites about casinos and gambling.

Casinoz tries to protect at least our readers from such cheaters, so now we'll describe some of them and then update the article with new information every time.

First of all, I want to mention a website Lessons of earnings (closed with the assistance of Casinoz), stylized as the famous social network Odnoklassniki. It is decorated in the same way, and even the logo has remained almost unchanged. Needless to say, that there is no relationship to the original site. Lessons of earnings by Aleksander Tihomirov

Here again, people are strongly convinced that you can win at online casinos easily, and they offer to do this with the help of the same Martingale system.

Site "in dollars" (closed with the assistance of Casinoz) - It's almost an exact copy of the page "about earnings", which tells about the beginning of this article. Only now the advice is given by supposedly young girl Vika Ponomareva. In - Bucks Vika Ponomareva

Another institution recommended for "easy money" is online Azart Tube (closed with the assistance of Casinoz), which tells the same thing, but only in the form of options.

Swindle, untwisted site VsemTube, spans four casinos. It is familiar to us with its previous similar activities of Grand Casino, and Azart Zona, Big Azart and Golden Games. How to win at roulette 2000$in 10 minutes

Its sad that an increasing number of online casinos tries to attract visitors by such unworthy methods. For our part, we can counter this revealing the fraud in each case.

If you become aware of new variations of this scam or see some other tricks, please contact us and we will tell everyone about them.

UPD 26/05/11

We continue to tell our readers about variations of cheating previously described in this article. Of course, we have no doubt that the players who regularly read publication on Casinoz can detect such frauds by themselves. However talkong about their new manifestations will do no harm.

We begin with the site Lucky4money (closed with the assistance of Casinoz) had an article which "reveals" the secrets of successful game of roulette. We have carefully reviewed its content and can tell you one thing - there is no outright lies only in the first paragraph, which expressed general thoughts about roulette. How to beat the casino secrets of successful roulette game

Then, the author starts to fantasize on proven successful game systems, citing as an example the Martingale strategy and its modifications. Later she (the author speaks of himself as a girl) rants about probabilities, bets and so on. However she speaks about well-known things, but id silent about the less obvious details.

In the end, everything comes down again to registering in the casino Azart Play. Draw your own conclusions.

The network has another site, stylized by vkontakte. It is located at (closed with the assistance of Casinoz), but is called "in earnings" some Victor Kostikov supposedly a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics in "the theory of probability and mathematical statistics", assures us that he earns a living by playing in online casinos ($300-500 per day), and promises to teach it everyone. In dollars by Victor Kostikov

Guess how he does it! Of course, checking into a casino and starting playing roulette by the method, which practically does not differ from the Martingale system. More comments are not necessary as everything is clear.

The last story for today is about the method of mathematics by Vatroslav Matic (fictional identity). He misleads inexperienced players more elegantly and thoughtfully. At his mini website he shows a spectacular movie where someone is playing in the online casino making bets on dozens and constantly wins.

Rsisystem- Method - Matic Vatroslav mathematics earnings online

He suggests to enter your name and e-mail address to receive a free strategy. It consists of a brochure in PDF, the program installation file of analyzer of Grand Casino and roulette. The brochure has details about "winning system."

Its meaning comes down to playing on dozens in French Roulette (at least, the author knows thats its more profitable than other variations). Cheers on very first step in this system. You have to make bets on all three sectors. It is necessary to determine a certain sequence. And you need to repeat this step until the row will not fall out on different sectors. What happens if you have zero, we probably do not need to explain (if you have questions, read the rules of French roulette in the corresponding section).

And then everything is repelled by the sequence sectors. Anyone versed in roulette knows that such a sequence does not exist. As you know, each new spin is unrelated to the previous one. Offer to register and play in the Grand Casino speaks for itself.

Sadly, that under the influence of these tricks, the uninitiated public has a negative impression about online casinos in general.

UPD 29/08/11

The work started several months ago by people who call themselves Alexander Friedman, Eugene Schultz and other cheaters continues with new strange personalities. All of them with admirable tenacity (as discussed earlier, more of a noble application) continue to lure people into gambling establishments with a dubious reputation. And we can only continue to warn the true fans of excitement and fans easy money: do not repeat mistakes of Pushkin's ass, who persistently chased cheapness.

Apparently, the names of Schultz and Friedman seemed creators of aforementioned scams too not Russia, as a new hero appears in a completely different guise. This smiling guy is Aleksader Derebant In a few paragraphs he tells all the things about how to win at casino roulette. His page on the network, as usual lately, is stylized as vkontake, but called vrabote, although the site address is schoolcasino-ru.

Needless to say that these... cheaters again use the only banal Martingale system with the bet increasing twice after every loss. However now there is the argument about the ethics of such "earnings". And at the end of the article there is a proposal to transfer the author a modest amount at your discretion.

If you read this article, at first it will tell you nothing. Cheating, fraud, deception, scam... In the end, an attempt to capitalize on human stupidity.

Something similar is described in the video we saw online MediaTube by Mr LuckyMoney. He says the same thing. Roulette, Martingale, hike, caution is an old song in one word. We will not repeat.

In the end, if you want to play increasing the bet, choose a reliable casino rather than those offered by these cheaters. Do not help them to earn on you

UPD 24/12/11

Another addition to the ranks of those wishing to cash in on the inexperienced amateur players in online roulette. Somebody called Alexander Polyakov A. (although there is doubt it is his real name), a well-known gambler and supposedly Russian player shares with us his "invaluable experience" once again  of suggesting everyone Martingale betting system.

The most curious thing is that his site looks like Wikipedia. The calculation is clear: the famous online encyclopedia is incredibly popular among Russian users of the worldwide web, and many of them trust her. Not everyone will pay attention to the fact that the fake page is opened at a different address (

Aleksand Polyakov cheating wikipedia

As usual, the video attached to the article. Its recorded by Sergei Abashin, who calls himself a follower of Alexander Polyakov. Nothing new there. The same recommendations to double bets after losing and change color when you win. In general, the Martingale system is known to all, and it once again makes no sense, since already a lot has been said about it on the portal Casinoz.

The article ends with a list of casinos recommended for the game. These are the same places that were mentioned earlier in this article. We have no evidence to suggest that the administration of these casinos is involved in cheating of Alexander Polyakov and Sergey Abashin but it seems like they are not going to take countermeasures.

Naturally, Casinoz strongly recommends not even try to play with the proposed method for real money. If you have played there in the training mode and you were lucky to win, it does not mean that the system works. It is no more effective than random scatter of chips on the field.

Beware, cheaters know how to convince.

UPD 19/01/12

According to one well-known joke: "Hello again!" We found a couple of sites which creators are trying to cash in on the inexperienced roulette fans. They are trying to convince newcomers that in roulette they can win a simple game on the red / black if doubling the bet after a loss.

The first resource is called, and apparently it is Eugene Schultz, only now he appeals to readers as Andrei Perov. At first, he tells stories about the eagle and Tails, arguing that it is always possible to win this game if you increase the bet. And then he gradually proceeds to how to use this system on the roulette.

Andrey Petrov of

We will not explain the catch again. This has already been written more than once on the portal Casinoz, including this article.

Next there is a standard list of recommended casinos, video tutorial, the first are offered to play in a training mode and some other recommendations. At the bottom there is a list of rave reviews, but we tell you that you will not succeed - do not even try. In general, all as before.

The site delaydengi-com is stylized like vkontakte page, but more primitive. Leonid Chebyshev (we will not be wondering if this is real name, because that's obvious) tells fans of quick profit that he learned how to earn up to six hundred dollars a day.

And then everything ia under the old scheme: the same casino, the same Martingale, the same arguments about the ethics and delusional warning of strict administrations of casino prohibiting play by such strategies. Adding comments to the existing ones is of course, impossible, although the form exists.

Leonid of Chebyshev

And yet there is a lot of pathos, a screenshot of WebMoney Keeper, which indicated the income of thirty-six thousand dollars (though the most interesting fields are blurred in red), and other meaningless nonsense. In general, no comment.

The most interesting thing about this resource is a romantic movie about the meaning of life and the purpose that you want to set for ourselves. Chebyshev commented it saying, "and have you ever thought about how to actually live?

Is it worth it to languish, when you can soar like a bird"?

Perhaps someone will fall for it. We sincerely hope that it will not be readers of Casinoz!

UPD 29/01/13

For a long time we have not updated the article about cheaters, and yet they are still trying to find a way to cheat naive gamblers not particularly versed in the subject. Another conman, which will be discussed further is Michael Levin and his technique called the method of "Cash Online".

 Michael Levin - Cash Online - LOHOTRON !

In general, his web page blogstratega-info is pretty corny. Brief information about the author (no doubt that fictional), a touching story of personal success stories, motivational movie that should not go with the flow and choose a new way to guarantee a new life, and, in fact, the video tells how to beat casino.

Watch it if you want to, as earlier in this article, such a scheme which is a banal Martingale has been repeatedly discussed.

Next is a list of casinos recommended by the author for the game, some of the recommendations include FAQ for WebMoney account opening and lime enthusiastic comments of grateful users. There is a form to add your comments, but you can guess that it does not work.

We have no doubt that regular readers of Casinoz will not fall to this fishing rod, but we recommend beginners to be careful. If you opened this page looking for a method of how to beat the casino on the internet, we recommend that you carefully examine our articles. Surely you will find a lot of useful information that will open your eyes to the true state of affairs.

Good luck to you!

UPD 10/07/13

Long time since we have not updated the article about cheaters promising to teach you how to make money in a casino and in fact their number does not become less. Here we found another site whose creators did not reinvent the wheel and took up the old scheme.


So, the resource does not have a specific name and is located at The owner calls himself Vitali MORGUN. Its probably a fake name as the picture, and the author of these lines is not often on the Internet.

I must say, its a very sound poster decorated in warm colors. There are several pages with procrastinate platitudes about earnings, honesty, guarantees and so on. But the main thing is the method the author offers to become rich. And it is as old as the world.

Vitaly, offering to try this method online, recommends to create affiliate links in one of the two casinos, recharge and go (guess where!) play roulette. There you will have to play stupid Regular Martingale doubling the bet after every loss. Describing this system, which is the most popular in the world is unnecessary.

Mr. Morgun advises you to work out in a free mode first and gives a lot of other recommendations, that do not "stand out from the crowd" like not to be greedy, time to stop, to be optimistic, and so on. His conclusions sometimes are very funny. Like this,"Despite the fact that Zero is in favor of the casino mathematical advantage, do not make a bet on a different color."

Incidentally, with regard to the chat on the main page the author took into account the experience of his predecessors, who were not allowed to post comments on the site. Here you can write a message, and you'll see it in the main window. But for other visitors, it will be hidden (You can check it by opening the site in two browsers). The number of users in the chat is also his imagination.

The funny thing is that this site has a section of safeguards. Vitaly promises to return the money you spent, if you lose, following his methodology. Moreover, even on the page contacts there are reviews of people he supposedly returned the money to.

But enough about him. We think that everything is already clear. Finally, we will recall that the Martingale system can really help ypu win. But for a long stretch, it will not give you anything. Once some numbers on the roulette wheel will fall in a row for too long, because then you will lose all money earned before.

Be sensible and do not look for the free cheese in places where it can not be.

UPD 12/07/13

We continue our story about the cheaters, allegedly offering effective techniques for inexperienced casino gamblers and people who just want to find an easy way of earning money online. In addition to this article, we will discuss more about some of these resources. We will consider them separately.

Sayt cheater obitelsporta


This website had no relation to sport. This is one of the many clones stylized like social network Vkontakte, but its called Vzarabotke. The author, who calls himself Valentin Antonov offers to follow his affiliate links in one of the casinos and play Martingale roulette with a doubling the bets after a loss.

For the future: all sites decorated like this resource and network Vzarabotke of defunct brand can be considered unworthy of your attention. Do not believe them. By registering in the casino by the links from these sites, you help the scammers to earn using you.

Offered there betting systems do not help to win at the casino, it has been repeatedly proved by all sorts of specialists.


The so-called method of Cash Online was already discussed in our article just above. Another site, which author invites you to use the same method id at We will not describe it in detail, because it is almost indistinguishable from the one we described in UPD 29/01/13.

Once again, the method of Cash Online is bullshit with Martingale system.


This is another attempt to mislead naive Internet users with stylization of the site under the network Vkontakte, but it is called Vrabote. It is almost identical to the numerous resources under the logo Vzarabotke. Essence of the proposal is the same - only the fictional authors are changed.

Remember: if you meet a site, decorated ad the social network Vkontakte and it offers you methods of earnings in the casino, be sure, it is cheating.

Rabota network site moshennikov

Despite the name of the site is clearly designed to cause a persistent association with the famous social network, it is called " Networking." Its creators have come to be creative and not have to copy dozens of other resources. But their method of "earnings" is no different from those described above. All the same Martingale roulette and all the same banal recommendations.

Despite the differences in design, site is suspiciously similar to, discussed in the previous update of the article. Draw your own conclusions.

Once again wr urge you to be vigilant and not believe these cheaters.

UPD 23/12/2013

We continue discussing people trying to create a long time to see a betting system (of course, it does not help to win in the casino) as their own unique methods. The next update of our website is dedicated to articles called Vovkin blog located at the address (it is possible that there are copies of it at other locations).

Lohotron Vovkin Blog

We will begin, as it may sound strange, with praise. Site owner was not too lazy to create a cool design. However this is only the dignity of life. Nothing else is good in it.

The author calls himself Vladimir Ryzhov of Armavir. There is even a photo of a person of model appearance. Moreover, there is n illusion that you can add comments, although only you can see your feedback (check it in different browsers - new comments are added.)

Vova talks a lot about honesty, safeguards, security and other such things, but enough to start to deal with it by "making money", as it becomes clear that it is another "clever" person offering to play roulette by the Martingale system.

Do we need to explain? If you do not understand anything here, read this article from the beginning. We will not repeat about Martingale.

Vovk also offers to register and play in not the most prestigious and trusted online casinos.

Denis Anipchenko
Denis Anipchenko
Editor-in-chief and online gambling expert

Denis is a true professional with many years of experience in the gambling industry. His career started back in the late nineties when he worked as a croupier, pit boss, manager and casino manager. This unique experience allowed him to deeply understand the world of gambling from the inside. Since the late noughties Denis has dedicated himself to writing articles and analyses about gambling, and since the early tens he has become a key figure in the Casinoz team. Here he not only writes and edits content, but also creates reviews, shares his expertise and helps readers understand the intricacies of gambling. Denis combines practical experience and in-depth knowledge, making him one of the most respected experts in the industry. His writings are always up-to-date, proven and useful information for anyone interested in the casino world.

An expert in:
  • casino operations
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Facts checked Alex Vasilev Scientific editor and fact checker
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