
"Casino" by Marina Kuropatkina

Casino slot hall and bar

Marina Kuropatkina belongs to the category of writers who, apparently, are ready to write on any subject. She has released several books about dogs and other domestic animals, different types of unconventional healing, gardening, self-defense techniques and so on. She is also the author of a series of "Fads etiquette", describing how to behave in different establishments.

Readers of Casinoz are hardly much interested in peculiarities of behavior in a nightclub. They also unlikely will go to prison (yes, madam Kuropatkina feels savvy enough in this thread),. but the book "Casino", describing various nuances of visiting casinos, may seem very interesting to them. So we also got read it and ready to share with you our opinion.

We will review the book "Casino" by Marina Kuropatkina by dividing it to main sections. There are eight of them and I'll briefly discuss each section.

1. What is a casino

In this section, the author describes well-known facts, myths and legends from the history of the casino. She even tells about how they work from inside and even tryes to classify them. In general, the section with specks of useful information.

2. Face control and dress code

Here Marina Kuropatkina shared her views on how to pass face control and dress code. If you've been in many domestic and foreign casinos, you will laugh reading. We can only guess from what romance novels the writer has gathered information on the requirements for the appearance and the behavior of the casino visitors.

However we must admit that some recommendations (including many that seem infinitely detached from real life) are really sensible.

3. Adaptation

This chapter is about the strict but fair guards, the general principles of planning casino gambling house professional staff, psychological types of clients, etc. It should help you to get in the casino lobby.

A lot of attention is given to the chapter describing the bar and all kinds of drinks. She also gives tips on conversations with waiters, bartenders, security and croupiers.

I have found nothing new for yourself in this section, and some statements amused me with it's naivety. In general, if you have never been to a casino, there are chances that you will find useful this information, but do not take everything too literally.

4. Games and Entertainment

You may skip this section and read on. Articles on Casinozgive much more information on varieties of gambling rules and strategies. Marina Kuropatkina apparently has obscenities in these matters (somewhere on the level of pensioner housewives, watching programs about casinos on NTV).

However you can read the chapter about the etiquette of the player, although it is also very superficial.

5. Additional attractions in the casino

Again, the general advice on how to behave in the billiard room, bowling alley and on the dance floor. Any cultured person knows everything written in this section,.

6. Cheating in casinos

The author should not have taken upon this subject. The book of etiquette could easily do without it and Marina would avoid ridicule because of her incompetence. Inaccuracies, dubious assertions and absurd advices on each page.

7. How to spend an evening in the casino without losing your health and money

But this section can be useful for reading. In fact, among casino visitors there are many people we can not call honest at all. So, stealing, fighting, looting and even cheating often happen. If not within the casino walls, then somewhere nearby. So you should know how to avoid trouble.

8. How to return home to recover and decide to re-visit the casino

What to do if you have drunk alcohol? How to get rid of guests you have brought home in this state? How to psychologically cope with losing? Answers to these questions are in the final section. It is not particularly informative, but worth to read. At least for the sake of interest.

Conclusions about the book

I do not consider myself an expert in the general questions of etiquette, so will not say anything about this part of the Casino. But I am sure that Marina Kuropatkina disassembled into narrow-minded level directly in the casino.

I have no doubt that she does not have extensive experience in the casino games. And I am very surprised that she worked a little as a dealer, although I met a dealer that spoke total nonsense about gambling and matters directly or indirectly related to them.

Nevertheless, the book contains useful tips for those who decided to go to the casino for the first time and would like to first get their overview.

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