
Choose Gambling Experts Carefully

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It is much easier if you have the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, and even better if professionals give a bit of good advice.

Gambling is no exception. If you want to win in the casino as often as possible and not repeat the commonplace mistakes, you need help.

However, experts should be chosen very carefully. Most people who call themselves experts are, at best, well-versed in gambling matters. They share many common misconceptions and impose them on others. It is easy to guess that such advice from "experts" is useless and harmful.

All gurus who undertake the hard work of teaching gambling can be divided into several categories. Undoubtedly, some are real professionals with a lot to learn. But belonging to one of them does not make you an expert.

Let's see what groups exist and why not everyone can be trusted.

Casino Employees

There is a widespread belief that all dealers, pit bosses, casino executives, and managers are great players. For this reason, they are usually not allowed in other casinos. Many people believe they know the secrets of gambling, allowing them to succeed.

  • Ninety percent of the dealers have no idea about the basic blackjack or video poker strategy.
  • Many of them sincerely believe that in roulette, you can win regularly.
  • And some consider that they can point to the "giving" slot machines in any slot hall.

So make no mistake at the dealer's expense and with other casino employees. They are taught to play the game professionally but not play correctly. And they are forbidden to play in other casinos, not because they are afraid, but from entirely different motives (corporate ethics, security requirements, and so on).

Experienced Casino Players

Savvy customers who have spent years sitting all night at the casino are not always strong players. Any casino employee with extensive work experience can remember a few players who made payments faster than a dealer at the roulette and instantly reacted to any mistakes of dealers at the blackjack table, but that rarely came away with the win.

This suggests that only one huge time playing is not enough to be considered a professional. If all arguments of a person claiming to be a gambling specialist are reduced to the fact that he spent thousands of hours in the casino, think twice about whether to trust his advice.

Developers, Providers, and Merchants

Of course, every person who sells any product helping to win in a casino indeed calls themselves an expert. Otherwise, his business will end. Who would buy such things from amateurs? However, there are fewer real specialists than cheaters or naive enthusiasts.

And it is unclear which of them is more dangerous for your wallet because you'll gamble, taking advantage of their advice. So be very careful in choosing such products. A special section on Casinoz publishes reviews of programs for casino games, and we give our assessment of them.

Gambling Books' Authors

Many excellent books on gambling and poker are published in different languages. They contain a bottomless sea of helpful information. Unfortunately, the great mass of books is still not officially translated into Russian, but even that can not stop real players.

On the other hand, some books are also not good enough. They are often written by people infinitely far from the casinos. We suggest you get acquainted with the literature on gambling with the most famous authors' works (in the following articles, we will tell you about them). These books refer to other writers, prompting you to whom you should pay attention.

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Bloggers, Journalists, and Web Writers

They crowded specialized resources about the casinos. Moreover, articles about gambling also appear on sites that do not directly relate to this subject. Invited papers are generally another issue.

Of course, they are often written by people who have never been in a casino, not working or playing there. It is no secret that such publications can be ordered as copywriting. The authors are amateurs who write about everything equally superficially.

Some articles are translations from good foreign sites. But more often, they are unprofessional rewriting corresponding with the same source twenty times, and each new version has more errors.


The opportunity to use the experience of others in the study of gambling is the best way to succeed as quickly as possible. Yet, be careful with choosing mentors, consultants, and authors. A mistake can cost you a lot if you trust the wrong person.

You can find many specialists in each of these groups, but belonging to any of them does not make them professional. Cheaters are found even among casino managers, players with years of experience, or authors of thick books on gambling. Learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Frequently asked Questions

👨‍💼 Are casino dealers gambling experts?

Some of them are, but most croupiers know no more than their jobs. They deal cards in blackjack or poker, count payouts, spin the ball on the roulette, etc. Most dealers cannot gamble professionally. 

😭 Are all experienced casino players gambling gurus?

Of course, not. Most players lose money in the long run. They can give you some helpful tips, but be careful about them. 

🎲 How can I become a professional gambler?

Read books by renowned gamblers. Go through Casinoz articles. Learn basic strategies for the most beneficial games. Practice playing for free.

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